Tag Archives: decedence

Sex And The City 2

The hype was intense, the anticipation was high, the reviews were weak, but still I saw SATC 2 twice, is it because I found it to be a great film? no, did I like it? sure??, but why twice?  First I saw it because I wanted to write about it then my friends decided our girls night out would be to see the film.  Which time was better, the second without a doubt (we most talking through it).  I liked the movie, but it did not live up to the tv series or even the first, but it was ok, it is what it is, a film with a storyline covered with fashion, funny one-liners, and nothing else, it’s not a film that will leave you with spiritual or  ‘ah ha’ moment, nor is it  politically correct, it’s just silly entertainment albeit a little disappointing.

2 years later and Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) is annoyed with the too comfortable way John (Chris Noth) is in their marriage, Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) is tired of balancing work and mom life, Charlotte (Kristin Davis) is near a mommy break down, and Samantha (Kim Cattrall) well she just wants to have fun.  So what to do?  Go for a week to Abu Dhabi and live a life of luxury and flamboyance.

I loved the beginning, it set the mood to the glamour and fashion by showing the skyline of New York. What did I get from SATC 2?

  • glamour
  • comedy
  • fab shoes
  • great outfits

Can I just say the start, when (spoiler alerts) they were at their friend’s wedding (wont say who but really good), it was too too funny, and the wedding cake was a-maz-ing.  The special guest at the wedding (Liza Minnelli, gasp) was a treat so was the song she did (has to be seen).  The sequel was a little funnier than the first (at least from what I remember of the first), there were more line-liners from Samantha which is what we grew to really like about her (in the tv series), at least I did, but she seemed more cougar-y in this one.

For a couple of hours or so you get to enter a life of glamour, and decadence full of designer clothes and shoes, luxury lifestyle and breathtaking scenery (even though it was a set in a country that is not the featured one).  Oh there was an actual story in there somewhere, I guess.  (another spoiler alert) Charlotte and Miranda we setting sipping cocktails and talking about the taboo that all mothers face, saying we love our kids but sometimes they do drive us crazy and we find ourselves wanted to get a couple of day away from them. I did get annoyed with the stereotype in the second part of the film, pushing the envelope too much.  Storyline, hhmm I think there was one, so it was ok.  Writing, pretty poor could have been better, plot line seemed to be thrown together rather than though out.  All in all there were some funny parts, lots of quick one-liners and designer outfits.  For a girls night out it’s a good watch, but expect to get annoyed once or twice.

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Posted by on June 4, 2010 in comedy, romcom, t v


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